Sunday, July 6, 2008


I haven't posted in a while because I haven't had much time. Cameron, of course, keeps me on my toes these days. We are also in the process of trying to sell the house so I have to keep it clean at all times, not easy with a toddler. I am also trying to finish my last two classes for this semester. For those of you who don't know, I am taking classes through Texas Tech to finish my degree. I am doing it solely through correspondence and online so I just have to finish by August 22nd. Please pray for me because it is hard to do school work with Cameron running around. I am also still working for home, although I do not have alot of files right now. Just one file to be exact. Oh well, I don't know how I would have time for any more. Chris is in Austin most of the week, but we are getting to spend most weekends with him in addition to some week nigths. It is really not working out bad. We are anxious to move still so we can see him every night. I am 25 weeks today so Miss Calleigh is getting closer to her big entrance. I can't wait, or can I? As I get closer to the 3rd trimester mark, I remember how smaller I used to be and how much energy I used to have. I get pretty tired after Cameron goes to bed these days. I pretty much melt into the bed at night. I wish I had more time to see everyone but hopefully once I get caught up on some things I can travel more. Just so everyone knows, I miss you all and hope to see you soon.

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