Friday, October 24, 2008

We have made it through 3 weeks!

It has been almost 3 weeks with our family of four. I must say, I think the second time around is easier. This time we know what to expect and we are already used to having no time to ourselves, so there is not big surprise there. Cameron is adjusting well and he actually loves having her around. She is a very good baby so I am not pulling my hair out, yet. She sleeps good so I am well rested, which is the only thing that helps me through. Chris has been here alot more lately since his new store is doing well. Many of the pictures are of the kids in their pajamas since he haven't gotten out too much lately. Calleigh is also sleeping in most of them since that is pretty much all she does now. I typed most of this with one hand while nursing so please excuse mispelled words. (it is the only way I can find the time to do this)

she loves her swing!

even though she likes being wrapped like a burrito, those hands always make their way out,

just hanging out while mom gets ready

this is one of those times she was not happy about brother holding her

cameron has to help fix everyhing. he was helping daddy get the ball that was stuck in the ball popper. if he put the right balls in the ball popper they wouldn't get stuck, but he puts anything that will fit including his cars and we have to fix it!

please leave me with my thoughts right now.

she was mad because I just changed her diaper so big brother came to the resue with a hug

we were about to leave for her 2 week appointment. this is the only picture I have because I sat the camera down after this picture and forgot to bring it! she is now 9 lbs. and 22 inches long. In 2 weeks she has gained over a half a lb. and one inch. She was 7' 6" and 21 inches long when we left the hospital.

such a sweet brother. how many weeks will this last?

he always asks to hold her. this is one of the times she didn't mind.

he is so fascinated with her

cameron loves to lay next to calleigh on the couch. sh is not sure what to think, but she doesn't fuss. she pulls his hair and throws her arm at him, which cameron thinks is funny.

cameron sneaks the camera when I am not looking and this is just one of the many random pictures I found on there

calleigh was so excited about getting dressed to go out that she fell asleep

cameron decided he would help me clean the bathroom

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Our Baby Girl Has Arrived!!!

Calleigh Nicole Hooper was born October 5th, 2008 at 12:47 pm in Waco, Texas at Providence Hospital. She weighed 7 lbs. 11 oz. and is 21 inches long. Labor and delivery went well and mom and baby are doing great. We would like to thank everyone who was there and everyone else for your thoughts and prayers. This is such a joyous time in our lives and we cannot wait to share with everyone. We are open to visitors and phone calls, so please feel free! I hope you enjoy the pictures and I will keep them coming as our angel continues to grow. Love to all!