Monday, September 15, 2008

Still Here

I haven't posted any pictures in a while out of pure exhaustion. Chris has been out of town the last three weeks for a new store opening and I am trying to chase Cameron and prepare for Calleigh. There just haven't been enough hours in the day for all of this, plus sleeping. I go to the doctor this Thursday for my first examination. Hopefully at this point we will find out where we are and when we might induce. I am hoping to induce so my parents and Chris and any other family or friends that would like to be there can be. I will keep everyone informed. Cameron is two now and just learning more and more everyday. He is my little buddy and I enjoy every second we spend together. He sits with me when I am tired and even gets things for me if I ask, he is wonderful. I had two showers for Calleigh this last weekend and we now have everything we need. It was great to see everyone and nice to be able to share the joy that we are expecting. I have a wonderful family and don't know what I would do without them. The only thing left is to finish decorating Calleigh's room. We still have to put together the dresser, put up the fan, and put up the curtains. We should have all that done this next weekend when my parents come down to help. I am in the process of doing all her laundry, which is already totalling 3 loads, and counting...I hope she can hold on until I can get all of this done. On one final note, I did finish the semester with a 4.0! For those of you who do not know, this is a great accomplishment for someone who at one point could barely stay out of academic probation, which is below a 2.0. I have come a long way. I still have about 45 hours to finish but hopefully I will have that knocked out sometime in the near future. Enjoy the pics of Cam, sorry there aren't more of the showers and birthday parties. My camera was on the wrong setting so my pictures have been coming out blurry. I have it fixed now so future pics should be much better.

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