Wednesday, March 11, 2009

About a girl

Calleigh is five months now and I would like to share a glimpse into her developing personality for those of you who don't see her very often. She is the happiest baby I have ever seen. She is ALWAYS smiling. Cameron smiled when he was a baby, but not like this. Everywhere we go, someone comments about her smiling. She smiles at anyone. She has found her volume button, and squeals at the top of her lungs. If she thinks nobody is paying attention to her, she will make sure to get your attention. Just like a girl! Cameron does not always understand how fragile she is, and tends to be a little rough with her. He has hit her with a toy or his head and she doesn't say a thing. She is already tough. I know she is formulating her retaliation. She doesn't cry much at all. She cries if she is overly tired or hungry. When she wakes up to eat at night, she doesn't even cry. I hear her playing in her bed and I know it is time. The past couple of nights she has actually slept most of the night. Sometimes if she wakes up around 5 or 6, she refuses to go back to sleep and just wants to play. I just shut her door so she doesn't wake Cameron and let her play. After a bit, she will fall back asleep. She can roll over from her stomach to back, and back to stomach, although she has only done the latter once. She puts EVERYTHING in her mouth now. I have to keep everything out of reach and keep teething toys nearby. She eats cereal and starts grunting if you are not quick enough. On that note, she is getting to be a little fatty. At her 4 month appointment she was almost 14 lbs and 26 inches long. She is in the 90th percentile in height and 85th in weight. She is a big old girl! More of her for us to love. She makes everyone around here happy and we love to watch her grow. Cameron tells her all the time, I love you sooo much. It is the cutest thing we have ever seen.

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