Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Back in the Saddle....

Ok everyone! I am officially back to blogging. I woke up this morning and just had some thoughts in my head that lead me back. As I sit here at 5:30 in the morning, coffee in hand, I want to briefly explain my reasoning. I started my blog so family and friends could see and keep up with our lives since we keep moving further away from them. I often think it is just for others and if I don't keep up with it, oh well. I have started working full time now and its just so much to keep up with. This morning as I thought about my life, I thought, wow things are just going so fast right now. Hours turn into days into weeks. I feel like I am running a marathon and just trying to enjoy it while it lasts. That being said, I want to keep up with my blog now for ME! I want to look back at our lives and remember. When I think of our wedding day, and what a great day it was, I just can't remember the things I sometimes want to remember. When it gets hard, I pull out my wedding album and it always jogs my memory. So now I want my blog to do the same. I want it to jog MY memory about what has happened in our lives. Things get so busy and I just don't want to forget that THIS IS THE TIME OF OUR LIVES. So I am going to be documenting things alot better about what we are up to. Well, better get to lunches and getting kids ready. The pics are just a few to let you see how big the little angles have gotten. MAKE IT A GREAT DAY FRIENDS! (yes the coffee is starting to kick in)

1 comment:

Miller Family said...

That's exactly why I try to keep up with the blogging. Not sure if you've looked at these or not, but you can do a blog book. I'm going to try to do on every year so I always have it...in a hard copy. :)