Friday, April 24, 2009

Challenge Week One

Well I have decided to challenge myself. My friend Tanna is doing a 42 day challenge through her blog for girls that are tired of being unable to get to and maintain their ideal weights. Many of them are moms or just girls that are unable to motivate themselves to lose the weight and live healthy. There are 50 people involved in the challenge, many of whom have offered great motivation. The guidelines are no fried foods, limited sodas, no sweets, and you must excercise 3-6 times a week. Well, I am at the end of week one and I am off to a great start. I have done well with my food selections and have learned to better control my portions. (although I still have some work to do in this department) I eat pretty good, but I eat alot in one sitting. I have been able to start eating more meals a day, however, and not eat as much in one sitting. I had been working out at least a couple of times a week since about the end of January. This week I have worked out 4times and will make today 5. This has been really good for me since my biggest problem is accoutability for working out and not eating too much. I sometimes use the kids sometimes as an excuse for not having the "time" to exercise and eat right. I have been planning better and it has worked weel, hopefully it will become a lifestyle change. One last thing, I have already lost 3 lbs this week! Yea! Ok, enough about me. I added some pics of the kids, just random so you can see how much they are growing. Calleigh is getting close to 7 months and she is scooting all over the place. Cameron is learing so much from mom's day out it amazes me. We were talking about Jesus the other day and he told me, he is a good guy mom, that's what Miss Charlotte said. My heart melted, and I said yes he is baby. Miss Charlotte is his teacher at mom's day out. He takes it at First Baptist Church in Woodway and they teach them so much. I am so glad he is learning about this since our church doesn't offer classes until he is 3. We read bible stories but it nice to have it coming at him from different angles. Well, everyone have a great weekend I will post again soon!

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