Friday, July 3, 2009

Father's Day

I know I am late on this but I am posting it anyway. When a women gets married she can only wonder what kind of father her husband will make. She doesn't expect him to be perfect, of course. But she does expect him to spend time with them, adequately provide for them, and well, to love them. It is easy to say, he will be such a good dad when you see him with other kids. Unfortuneately, the only way to know is to see him with your own. When I see Chris with our kids, sometimes I get tears in my eyes. They have so much fun that sometimes I feel like I am missing out. I get to be the "nurturing one" but daddy gets to be the "fun" one. Chris is an amazing father and I look forward to watching his relationship with our kids grow. Happy Father's Day daddy, we love you!

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