Thursday, December 30, 2010

Big Girl, Big Changes

Calleigh is officially potty trained now. We started at the beginning of October going full force. She was showing so many signs of being ready that I had to stop putting it off. I probably could have trained her even before her second birthday but I waited. She started off really well, had a couple of weeks where she got bored with it, then she decided to get it right. She has been potty trained for about a month now. She hasn't had an accident in a while. We still use pull ups for naps and night time, but she wakes up more and more dry every time. Also, because she was having trouble getting to the restroom in the morning, we had to convert her bed to a toddler bed. She did so well. There have been MAYBE a handful of times where she got out of bed, but not a lot. She just goes right on to sleep like she did in her crib. She is getting so big and so smart. The funny thing about training Calleigh was the difference in training a boy and girl. Cameron trained faster, but I waited until he was about 2.5 before we really tried. He just was not ready. Calleigh was ready earlier but she took longer. What an adventure potty training is..whew. Glad you have it accomplished, for the most part.


Miller Family said...

CONGRATS!! Give me some tips! Ellie is being very stubborn with potty training. She knows when she needs to and how to...sometimes she just absolutely refuses to go.

Miller Family said...
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