Thursday, July 28, 2011

I Get To...

There are so many areas that I struggle with everyday. Finding the balance between being a mom, wife, student, individual, friend, and family member. It is so hard to fit everything in and somehow still be pleasant. I think it is easy for us to get in this place where we are so overwhelmed that everything is another task that we "have to complete." I read and article a while back in Runner's World that really changed my thinking. It was about saying "I get to, instead of I have to." I won't lie, I forget from time to time, but I try to keep this in mind. There are so many people in this world that would give anything to do the things I "have to" do. There are people that would love to have children but are having difficulty conceiving or maybe they have lost a child. And yet hear I am getting frustrated and overwhelmed with my kids. When I feel like this I TRY to stop and say, I get to. I get to wipe crayons off the wall, to pick up toys, to do lunches, to give baths, wipe noses, and put kids to bed. I get to finish my degree, make dinner, go to work, and run. I forget that there are people everywhere that would give anything to be able to complete these tasks. Some people have cancer, financial difficulties, illnesses, disabilities, and here I am complaining that I have to run at 9:20 at night because it is the first chance I got. BAH HA....some people can't even afford running shoes or don't live in the kind of neighborhood that provides a safe environment for a late run. It is at these times where I stop and say to myself, or sometimes out loud, I GET TO. Try today to have the mentality that you get to. You get to be in this life, with these people, and try to make the most of that. Have a great Thursday! Below are pictures I took before we headed to school yesterday. Randomly Cameron asked if I could take a picture of him and Woody, and of course, Calleigh had to take a picture to. I love these kids! And I get to take care of them today! :)

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