Monday, October 5, 2009

Reflections of the last 3 years...

As I think back over the last three years of our lives I have so many emotions there is no way I could explain it all. The way this child changed our lives cannot be put into words. I feel so lucky to be a parent and to watch a person develop everyday right before my eyes. It gives new meaning to the love my parents have always shown me. Now I understand so much more about the world. I think the world is a different place through a mother's eyes. I see EVERYTHING as a potential hazard. I replay worst case senarios in my head so I can figure the best course of action. A child's scream makes me drop everything and run...even if its not my child. Rain doesn't just water my yard, it makes me think of umbrellas, raincoats, driving with more caution, and leaving even earlier. Priorities change, people change. Chris and I have grown alot in the last 3 years. I think our family has brought us even closer as a couple and it has taught us to be less selfish. This fall I have two birthdays that mean so much to be and I think it is important for us to reflect on that sometimes. I have been so busy lately, that sometimes I forget to be truly thankful for the gifts given to be everyday. Birthdays should not be forgotten and they should not grown increasingly ignored as you age. Birthdays are a time to reflect on the lives of those we hold dear to us. It is a time to be thankful for the people that shape our lives. I know Cameron has shaped our and I want him to know that we love him more than words can explain. Happy Birthday bud!


Berni said...

You are getting sappy in your old age :)

Anonymous said...

Sweet post. I know what you mean. Love you