Saturday, June 5, 2010

New Car

For the past several months I have wanted a bigger car. I bought my car when I was pregnant with Cameron and I thought it had plenty of room and I could have it even with 2 children. Well, fast forward 4 years... We travel so much because we live even further from Arlington now, we have two children, and we needed more room! My mom has a suburban and my brother has a tahoe and I love driving them both. I finally found a car that fit my needs perfect and did not give me a ridiculous car payment every month. I traded in the ole saturn for this 2005 Chevy Tahoe. It has everything I wanted and actually looks brand new. This is the first used car I have bought and I am really proud of the purchase. My brother and I spent Saturday morning and afternoon at the dealer. It was so busy but it didn't end up being too bad. Chris was on his way to Arlington and was just glad he wasn't the one sitting at the dealer with me. It was a good experience and I learned a lot about the correct way to buy I car. I bought the last 3 cars on my own and I made some mistake each time. I think by this time I got it all right. I love this car and plan on keeping it for a while. Also included pictures of the vue when I first bought it. I will really miss that car...I know it is crazy and Chris makes fun of me but I get attached to cars and houses and stuff like that. I am a sucker for memories...
The old...

the new...

(yes I already have my 13.1 sticker on the new car) he he

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