Friday, May 8, 2009

The Challenge

Well, I forgot to mention one of the most important things going on in my life right now. I spoke about the first week of my weight loss challenge and now I am at the end of week 3. So far I have lost about 4.4 lbs. The weight is not really coming off quickly right now, but so much else has changed. I fit in my clothes better, eat right, get up at 6:00 in the morning to run, and I am already more toned. This is the beginning of the lifestyle change that I have needed. For the last couple of years I have gone back and forth between exercise and eating right. I do good for a while, then I get back to old habits. I use so many excuses, I am tired, I am stressed, I am busy, I have two kids, I am a student....blah....blah....blah. It is now time for me to take responsibility for my actions and just get it done. I am going to stop obsessing about it and complaining about it, and just do it. This last week I have increased the intensity of my workouts and decided to give this thing 100%. It will not be easy and it will not happen overnight. The end of this challenge will not be the end of my challenge. I have goals and I WILL achieve them. This is only the beginning of my journey to an active and healthy lifestyle. I am in the very beginning stages of training to run a half marathon this spring. I know the training will be intense but I am prepared and I am taking it slow. I will probably try to run a 5 or 10K this fall. I will keep you all updated because it helps for holding me accountable. Maybe some of you care nothing about this, and that is fine. But I am putting this out there because not I have to do it. In the spring when someone says "hey did you ever run that half marathon?" I will gladly be able to say, " yes I did, I almost died, but yes I did." I better go, I think Cameron just opened the door to the back yard. By the way, he knows how to unlock the door and the deadbolt now! I will have to watch that kid!


Anonymous said...

You are great girl. Thanks for the email, I love to hear how you are doing. You are right, you have to find the motivation within yourself eventually. Awesome job, Love, Tanna

April S. said...

Good for you for sticking to this challenge and doing so well!! I am sticking with the challenge too and I appreciate hearing that other ladies are doing so makes me continue to want to do well too!

Keep up the great work and I cant wait to see pictures of you running that marathon!

Kristi said...

Awesome that you are training for a marathon. I am considering doing one with a friend next spring as well!! Glad you are still doing the challenge!! Keep up the good work!!